Keyz Commercial

How not to pick your next Commercial Real Estate Broker

Hungry for some dinner? Yup, there’s an app for that. Not sure what movie to watch on Friday night? Yup, we all know there’s an app for that too. But what about that piece of commercial real estate you own? Yes, the one that contains much of your net worth, perhaps? The one you’re leaving behind for someone important to you, or was left to you to begin with. Is it time to sell it? Or perhaps it’s vacant and needs a great tenant so it provides a positive cash flow? Sounds like you might be in need of a commercial real estate broker. But how do you find one? Who do you pick?

Gone are the days of asking grandpa for the name of the guy he used in 1984 or picking the broker based on the sign you’ve seen every time you drive down your local street. Pause and think with me for a second…

“That brokers sign has been on that building for the past 4 years. If they haven’t sold or leased that building in the past 4 years, what the h*%!  are they going to do with my property?”

That’s right! Normal human behavior would have you calling the guy you used 30 years ago or the name and number on the sign that you see everyday, every time you drive down the street, but when you think about it, do you really want to trust something with such important financial ramifications to someone who can’t complete a task in 4 years?! I would say…. NO? #byefelicia 

Saying results matter is one thing, but dusty, dated signs in front of building for over four years proves the opposite. So how to pick the right broker is the question? While there’s no science to doing so, simple things to consider as you select your next broker:

Are they local?
Do they answer your calls?
Do they have a functioning website?
Are they active on social media?
Do they have a support team to assist with any needs?
Do they have a marketing plan for your property?
There are many more considerations when choosing a commercial real estate broker to help you market your building. For a complete printable checklist to help you select the best broker to assist you, fill out the form below, and we’ll send you one!

Of course, if you’re in our service area, we’d love to show you what we can do you for you. No obligation nevertheless, we’re always here to help! At Keyz Commercial, our signs come down just as fast as they go up! 

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